Starting a business and filing all of the legal forms can be intimidating—we can help! If you’re planning on starting a business, let us take care of some of the paperwork. If you’re applying for recognition as a nonprofit organization, let us aid you in the process by providing helpful, insightful guidance. If you’ve decided to take a different road or start in a new direction, properly-filed reorganization or concluding paperwork assists a clean start for that next phase in your life. No matter where you are in the process, let us take care of the business licenses, registrations, and filings, since running your business is where you should be focused.
Our Inception, Startup and Reorganization Filings Include:
- Completion of business license applications
- Obtaining EIN
- Registration with the Secretary of State, where applicable
- Completion of forms necessary to be recognized as an employer in your state
- Dissolution paperwork
- Completion of Forms 1023 or 1024 for exempt organization recognition